Monday, December 14, 2015

Enterprises TV Relays Healthy Work Tips

It can be incredibly hard to stay healthy at work amid the holiday parties, home baked goods and extra pressure to meet all deadlines. Don’t let that stress you. Enterprises TV relays some healthy work tips that work for everyone.

Sitting down all day in a cold office can not only give us a sore back, but can wreak havoc on knees and other joints. Get up and walk around your work space every hour. Go outside on breaks, weather permitting, and take a walk. Do a few knee squats at your desk during moments of down time.

Bring healthy snacks to work and munch on those instead of unhealthy ones. Pretzels with hummus or carrots and celery with fat-free cream cheese are crunchy, healthy and filling. Plus, they boost energy. We could all use some extra energy this time of year.

Take time to enjoy the holidays. Don’t be tied to email, texting or phone calls. The Enterprises TV show suggests leaving smart phones away from dinner tables, bedside tables, and anywhere family and friends are congregated. We rarely get a chance to spend time with those we love and who are most important. Make time for the valuable people in life.

It is not hard to practice healthy work habits. Often, workloads or the pressures of being and entrepreneur overrule what we need to do to maintain overall good wellness. Make time for yourself this holiday season so you can go into the New Year raring.

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