Thursday, January 8, 2015

Enterprises TV Reviews the Cost of Healthcare for American Workers

The cost of healthcare is rising for many American workers this year. Enterprises TV reviews a few of the factors contributing to the rise in premiums.

A standard work week is usually 40 hours.  However, the Affordable Care Act mandates that the work week must be 30 hours so that more workers can be covered under employer paid health plans. Business owners back the Congressional bill Save the American Workers Act which keeps the full-time work week at 40 hours.  Hourly employees, especially those working in the retail, food and beverage and tourism industries might see more hours added to schedule. No matter which way the health laws might change, healthcare costs will rise. The Enterprises TV show predicts that payroll deductions will be higher and paychecks smaller due to the rising cost of premiums.

Business owners might want to evaluate other plans for better costs to them and their staff. Family members of military veterans can query organizations such as USAA and others for affordable healthcare plans. Salon workers should explore all options before choosing an affordable healthcare plan. Since those without insurance are financially penalized during tax time, it makes sense to be covered. There are some good resources if help is needed finding the best plan for personal needs. 
#healthcare #healthinsurance #affordablehealthcare

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