Thursday, April 10, 2014

Enterprises TV and How to Have a Great Start to the Day

What makes a great start to the day? Is it that great cup of coffee just finished? Or is it having enough time to get organized before leaving the house for work? Enterprises TV shares ideas about how to have a great start to the day.

Morning is the best time for our minds and bodies. Before going to bed the night before, take time to prepare for the morning by collecting items to take with you. Plan what to wear and be sure it is clean and pressed. Charge smart phones overnight. Fill up the gas tank in the evening if needed. Count traffic in to the commute so there is no rush to pull into the parking lot at work. We are more awake and alert on the road when the sun is up. The Enterprises TV show staff is more energized when driving to work when the sky is bright and not dark.

At work, use the first half hour to listen to voice messages and read email notes. Prioritize which calls and notes need to be handled first. Make a list of tasks that have to get done and cross them off when they are complete. Managers should take at least 10 minutes to check in with their teams. Listen to them, ask them what’s on their plate today. Pay attention to what they are saying. Nothing fosters loyalty, trust and confidence in staff more than a boss who takes time to talk to employees. Delegate not so important tasks to someone else and focus on the main items on the list. A great start to the day sets us up for a production day.

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