Friday, June 17, 2016

Enterprises TV Takes a Realistic View of Retirement Issues

Many Americans who are over the age of 50 are facing the reality of knowing they will need to keep working to age 70 and up. Previous years brought unemployment to many homes. Savings accounts were depleted and retirement accounts were emptied so daily living expenses could be met. The economy is healthier now, and some people are back at work. The rebuilding of personal and retirement savings begins anew.

Critical Thinking

The older workers become, the more likely they are to feel stuck in a job, with very little discretionary funds in which to enjoy life. This is a tough way to live.  Financial stress is one reason why some employees are not as physically healthy as they’d like to be. Stress can raise blood pressure. It can compel someone to partake in bad habits such as eating poorly, smoking or drinking too much alcohol. It can also mean employees are not as engaged in their job because they are fretting about their immediate and future financial situation.  So how can someone break out of this worrisome circumstance?


Enterprises TV suggests setting aside some time to work finances, immediate and future, with a trusted family member, friend or financial planner. Reevaluate retirement stock option plans regularly and make changes if needed. Scale down living expenses to a moderately comfortable level. Find the small joys in life every day. Plan regular vacations, even if the vacation is to stay home and visit local tourist sites.

The Future

The future is not so frightening when we plan for it. True, there will be ups and down in the stock market, interest rates, and general inflation and maybe another recession will occur. Nothing in life is certain. But we must continue to do what we can to have an enjoyable life, no matter how we define “enjoyable”. 

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