Monday, March 28, 2016

The Enterprises TV Show Relays the Benefits of Simple Online Ads

Nothing can drive a prospective customer away from a product or service than an ad that tries too hard. Long, wordy ads are boring, contrite and take too long to read. The Enterprises TV show relays the benefits of simple online ads.

The web is filled with online entertainment, ads, videos, images and social media posts and ads. Consumers will spend a scant few milliseconds viewing any ad online. There is simply too much to read, view and engage in on the Internet, and no one really wants to spend it viewing an ad that is too wordy or two long in length. Also, consumers actively try to avoid ads online, as eye tracking software has found, even with brands they know and have used.

Simple ads, ads with an image and little wording and are clickable, are most effective. These can also be called upfront ads which utilize an image of the product, instead an object that represents it (false front ads). Online video ads, which are trending strongly in marketing news, should be short and to the point. They need to be visually engaging, stimulating and explanatory. Online banner ads should be short and to the point: what is the product and what is the brand? Online users will give an online ad one tenth of a second to view before moving on. One tenth of a second is not a long time at all. The Enterprises TV show reminds readers: Keep It Simple. 

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