Monday, March 7, 2016

Enterprises TV and Community Involvement

Many American companies take part in some form of involvement in the community. It is good for business. Activities usually range from walk-a-thons to supplying disadvantaged school children with supplies. There are numerous ways in which any size business can give back to communities near and far.

Enterprises TV has long been a strong supporter of the local and global community. Employees have given back to local schools, resupplied food banks, provided children with back to school supplies, sent needed items to wounded troops, and much more. It takes nothing more than a little time and effort, and perhaps some money, to make a difference.

Enterprises TV staff giving back to the community

The world is connected in so many ways. Instantly, we know when something new is done, said or shared. Companies can enhance their corporate image by sharing the time management and staff spends volunteering and/or contributing to the communities with fans, followers and friends on social sites. These are moments which can be re-shared and spread throughout the online world. Good corporate citizenship goes a long way in reminding clients and customers that the business not only cares about profit, but about the world at large, even when that world is next door. Enterprises TV asks: what is your company doing to give back to the local or global community?

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