Monday, June 8, 2015

Enterprises TV and How to Protect Your Identity on Vacation

School is out for most area in the U.S. Families are heading out the theme parks, national parks, seashores and other relaxing family destination spots. Enterprises TV offer tips on how to protect your identity on vacation.

There were 2.5 million complaints of ID theft with the Federal Trade Commission in 2014. But with some common sense, the annual vacation can be a good time and not one filled with the stress of knowing someone stole your financial data.

Only take a few credit cards with you before you leave. Leave the others at home stored in a safe place. Use the cards for everything from getting local currency to renting a car. And since we’re on the topic, call the credit card companies of the card you will bring to let them know where you are traveling to. This will prevent them from putting a hold on the card if they suspect fraud.

No matter where the vacation is – in the United States or out – don’t leave passports, driver licenses, birth certificates or other material like that in hotel or resort rooms. Don’t leave mobile digital devices in the room either.

The Enterprises TV show strongly suggests adding a verification code to the device. Set it to activate quickly when not in use.  Also, if you log into financial accounts via digital device, be sure to log out each and every time. It may be a nuisance to constantly log on and off each time, but it safer than staying logged in. Some Wi-Fi spots are wide open.

Always be alert and aware of your personal well-being when traveling.

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