Friday, January 16, 2015

Enterprises TV Shares Report on Where Driving is Most Dangerous

Typical weekday traffic in South Florida

There are some states where driving is dangerous. Other than a percentage of drivers with no insurance, traffic and poor driving habits can make being on the road hazardous. Enterprises TV reviews the five most dangerous places to be a driver.

It is no surprise to us that Florida (where we are located) is rated as the worst state for driving. WalletHub compiled a survey based on several factors including the number of uninsured drivers and the minimum amount of insurance needed to drive. Florida was rated the state most dangerous for drivers since it requires the least amount of insurance and has the most amount of uninsured drivers.  Following the Sunshine State:
  • Oklahoma
  • New Mexico
  • Mississippi
  • California
Most states require insurance before a vehicle can be on the road, and it is illegal in most states to not have any insurance on a vehicle. Enterprises believes that even the minimum amount of insurance is needed to protect oneself and property from a rear-end collision or any other type of accident. Florida has somewhat lax regulations regarding distracted driving including texting while driving. This raises the liability one has to consider when commuting.  To view the results from the entire WalletHub report, click here.


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