Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Enterprises TV Show with Tips for the Self Employed

People who are self employed are often envied by those who work for others. The ability to set their own schedule, grow their own business and work with whomever they want seems idyllic. The Enterprises TV show knows that being self-employed can be a financial challenge as well as a personal one. Below are some tips which might be helpful.

Set up an invoicing system which clearly states when payment is due. Find online apps which allow payments to come in and funds to be dispersed.

Set the hours in which the business is open. Stick to them unless the business has a need to handle emergency calls.

Manage money wisely. This includes putting money aside for tax season and saving for retirement. No one really wants to keep working as hard in the retirement years as they did when younger. Save now for a more relaxing future.

Work slowly and methodically. Make a list of tasks that need to be done.  Work on one task at a time for about 25 minutes and then take a five minute break. Focus on the most important tasks first. Check items off of the list when done.

Enterprises TV realizes that being self-employed is not easy. But with hard work, passion and determination, dreams do come true and success can be realized.  Keep at it. Never give up.

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