Friday, October 17, 2014

Enterprises TV Shares Tips on How to Be Your Own Healthcare Advocate

Medical bills usually come soon after any treatment of office visit has occurred. Some come with billing errors and odd looking charges. In order to be sure they are accurate, The Enterprises TV show shares tips on how to be your own healthcare advocate.

Keep records of everything. This means keeping insurance paperwork, lab report bills, phone call logs and conversations with billing reps organized. Meticulous record keeping can help the patient keep track of what should be charged rather than what is charged.

If there is an odd looking charge or an erroneous charge, call the office of where the charge occurred. Ask for the billing person and question the fee. Write down the rep’s name, date and time of call, and what was discussed with any action taken.

Be knowledgeable. There are two very good resources which list the average costs for most medical procedures: Healthcare Bluebook and FAIR Health, Inc. Research the fees. Be armed with knowledge.

Don’t wait and think about calling for clarification. The longer one waits, the better chance the healthcare provider will report a late payment to the credit agencies or send the bill to collection. Pick up the phone and call. 

Ask about payment options. Make payment arrangements if the bill is too high to pay all at once. Be firm in how much can be paid at one time. Don’t go broke trying to pay a medical bill because the billing department insists on it. The Enterprises TV show urges readers to call a healthcare advocate if needed.  No one has the right to force the patient to pay a hefty bill.

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