Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Enterprises TV on Retirement Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy and have a good retirement. Many of us think that in order to have that happy retirement we will need a significant amount of money saved. Enterprises TV reveals the other ways in which we can reach retirement happiness.

The ideal retirement age is between 67 and 72. Retirement experts stress working as long as possible to ensure a respectable Social Security payment when the day comes to say goodbye to the workplace. That said, how can we be sure we will have happiness in our non working days?

Plan that trip to an exotic locale or that dream vacation. Now that no one is clocking how long we are away from the office, we can hightail it out of the country for a month if choose.

Whatever activities are on the agenda for the day, we are in control. No one is around to tell us to get working, be on time, and mind if we are five minutes late.

Realize that work stress is gone and gone forever. No more meetings, conference calls, to-do lists, or over-full email inboxes.

If the need to make a little extra money is present, there are plenty of avenues to take whether it is creative or analytic.

Retirement happiness is what we put into our after-work life. Many will have to work into their 60s and early 70s in order to live sufficiently.  And happiness can only be defined by us. The Enterprises TV shows asks: What is retirement happiness to you?

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