Monday, October 10, 2016

Enterprises TV Heats Up Productivity

We all have times during the work day when we have more energy than other times. Perhaps it is the morning or afternoon. But there is one time of days when we feel better, are more awake and can master every project on our plates.

Do More after Waking Up

Most of us arrive to work on time, or early, grab some coffee, and take about half an hour to peruse different news websites and social accounts. In fact, our productivity would increase every day if we spent that time on tasks that help complete projects or tasks. Set aside time at work in the morning to shuffle through email and prioritize it. Use the email application’s prioritizing system, if it has one. Answer important emails first and then work through the other ones as the morning rolls out. Be prepared for staff meetings the night before and avoid rushing to get documents or other items needed.

Cut It Short

To do lists can grow longer by the hour. We tend to add everything we can think of on them so we don’t forget. Prioritize that list too in whatever way works best. Use a highlighter, add a star next to hot tasks, a circle next to tasks that are not a top priority. Check them off when done and move on.

Tackle One Project at a Time

People who believe they are expert multi-taskers bounce from one project to another. Not only does this lead to missed details, but it also leads to sloppy work. Why not tackle one project for an hour or two before moving on. No missed steps, no typos, no missed details. Enterprises TV believes that this leads to improved productivity. Give it a try and see if it works.


As hard as it is, jump on the most challenging task or project first. Once that obstacle is out of the way, everything else will seem easy.

Get back to work. 

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