Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Enterprises TV on Why a Mini Break from Work is Good for Us

For those who have been working for 30 years or more, a mini break from work might be a good thing. Vacations are nice. But sometimes we need to break away for longer and explore new interests. Enterprises TV offers some reasons why a break from the office is good for us.

The standard rule is that the time to try new things and explore other interests is when we retire. Buy by then, it may be too late. Married professionals might want to spend more time together and travel. Single professionals may way to venture into an interest they’ve always been interested in. Why wait until age 70 or beyond? Who knows what our health will be like then?

If travel is on the mind, remember that we should pack half as much and bring twice as much money. Start an automatic deposit into a special savings account and label is “mini retirement”. Designate an end date. Watch that account start building and feel the hope of knowing that soon a break from the everyday grind of work is coming. The Enterprises TV show realizes that this might not be in the cards for some. Think of it more as a needed respite from stress.

A few ideas about what to do: overseas volunteer work, volunteer work at home, travel and make connections, and photography. Give it a try on shorter breaks now to see if it’s something to do full-time later.

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